Female Infertility: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Options in 2019

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Infertility is a condition in which a couple is not able to get pregnant even after repeated attempts of trying to conceive for at least one year. It has become a global health issue and has affected over 30 million people in India.

Female infertility refers to infertility in women, when the couple couldn’t conceive and the reason is female factor infertility. There are different causes and factors for female infertility such as age, hormonal problems, physical issues, health problems, and environmental factors. If a woman is unable to carry a pregnancy to term and had several miscarriages, is also considered to be infertile and requires fertility treatment. There are two types of infertility, primary infertility in which the woman has found to be infertile and has never been able to get pregnant and secondary infertility, where the woman has successfully conceived before but is not able to conceive again.

At Dynamic Fertility & IVF Centre, we have a highly qualified pool of certified fertility experts who are adept at performing different types of fertility treatments and have provided desired outcomes to their patients. Our fertility specialists cautiously examine the condition of our patient to accurately diagnose the potential cause of infertility in women. We offer various fertility treatments that solely depend on the cause of infertility and put all our efforts to make certain that you get pregnant and go home with a healthy kid.

Common Symptoms of Infertility in Women

There are several noticeable symptoms indicating that a woman is infertile and is in dire need of a fertility treatment such as infrequent menstrual periods, heavy periods, or no periods, various hormone fluctuations, etc. The most common symptoms and signs are listed below.

  • Irregular menstruation: A normal menstrual cycle is 28 days long but if the gap between two menstrual cycles is more or less than 28 days, the cycle is considered to be normal periods as long as the gap doesn’t vary greatly. If the gaps between the cycles fluctuate significantly that she is not even able to guess when the next cycle will take place, then it is a matter of great concern as the cause of such irregular periods can be related to severe hormonal issues, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), etc., and may also, lead to the cause of infertility in women.
  • Painful and heavy periods: Most of the women experience pain when menstruating, but if the pain is severe and the cramps are too painful to endure, then there is a possibility of endometriosis, which can also lead to the cause of infertility.
  • Absent menstruation: It’s normal if you missed your period once in a while as various minor factors such as stress, excessive workouts, or health issues can make the periods go away for a brief time. However, if the situation persists for months, then you may need to visit a doctor as this can be a potential cause of infertility.
  • Hormonal imbalances: There are various signs of hormone imbalances implying that you may experience fertility issues such as weight gain, facial hair growth, acne, hair loss, etc. If you experience any of these hormonal fluctuations, then conceiving will become hard for you.

Causes of Female Infertility

When a woman cannot carry a pregnancy to term or is unable to become pregnant, this can be attributed to various causes resulting in female infertility such as issues with ovulation, damaged fallopian tubes, various uterine problems, etc. Below are some possible causes for female factor infertility.

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a condition that affects a woman’s hormonal levels in which her ovaries make small cysts (follicles), which make her skip the menstrual cycle and make it difficult for her to become pregnant. In PCOS, a woman produces higher than usual male sex hormones and her ovaries fail to release eggs regularly.
  • Damage to fallopian tubes: In order to fertilize the egg, the sperm has to reach the egg through the passage of the fallopian tube and a ruptured or blocked fallopian tube may disrupt the process of fertilization, thus keeping the woman from becoming pregnant.
  • Uterine problems: There are several uterine issues that can impede the process of successful implanting of the fertilized egg or embryo in the lining of the uterus such as fibroids, polyps, etc., causing infertility in women.
  • Endometriosis: Endometriosis is when cells that make the lining of the uterus, grows in the other parts in your body often in the pelvic area, other than the uterus. It is a painful condition capable of causing damage to fallopian tubes and distorts the movement of the sperm or egg, making it harder for women to conceive.
  • Ovulation problems: When a woman is unable to ovulate due to various conditions such as primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), endocrine disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), etc., these conditions can also result in female infertility as it is hard for a woman to become pregnant if she cannot ovulate properly.

Female Infertility Treatment Options 2019

Female infertility is a complex condition and the treatment involves a major investment of time, money and demands a lot of emotional resilience from the side of the patient. The fertility treatment well-suited for you depends on various factors such as your age, time period for which you have been infertile and other health conditions that may be preventing you from becoming pregnant.

Fertility experts at Dynamic Fertility & IVF Centre have more than 30 years of experience in performing fertility treatments with efficiency and precision. Our certified fertility doctors carefully analyze the condition of the woman to find out the cause of infertility. Some infertility issues in women can be corrected with fertility drugs and therapies, while other severe conditions may require the use of advanced fertility treatments using assisted reproductive technologies.

Different Fertility Treatments Available at Dynamic Fertility & IVF Centre.

Fertility Drugs: Fertility drugs are generally prescribed to women who are unable to conceive due to ovulation disorders. This type of medication generally acts as normal hormones such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), to stimulate ovulation. Fertility drugs like clomiphene, gonadotropin, metformin, letrozole, etc., can help make the ovaries produce more fertile and healthy eggs at the time of ovulation, which in turn facilitate successful fertilization and pregnancy.

IUI (Intrauterine Insemination): IUI is the procedure of becoming pregnant artificially. During the IUI procedure, a woman is artificially inseminated with the sperm, which is directly injected into her uterus using a catheter. This procedure helps in attaining fertilization as the insemination process is easier when compared to the conventional fertilization process.

In IUI, sperms are thawed and separated to find out the best quality sperms and discard the poor quality sperms, making only the healthy sperms to penetrate the egg. Women facing problems with their ovulation cycle can benefit from the process as the motile and healthy sperms fertilize the egg, and thus, increase the chances of conception.

IVF or In Vitro Fertilization: IVF is the most common procedure of achieving pregnancy and has become widely famous since the increase in the number of cases of female infertility. In IVF, the eggs and the sperms are combined and fertilized outside the woman’s body in a laboratory. During IVF treatment procedure, the female is given fertility medication in order to induce ovarian stimulation, and once the eggs have matured, they are collected through the process of egg retrieval.

After the collection of eggs, the male semen sample is obtained, and the better quality sperms are thawed and separated from the poor quality immotile sperms. The eggs and sperms are mixed together in a petri dish to achieve fertilization. Once fertilization takes place, the resulted embryo is introduced inside the uterus of the female by performing embryo transfer. After a few days various tests and ultrasounds are conducted to find out if pregnancy has occurred. IVF is applicable to women with irregular periods, ovulation disorders, premature ovarian disorder, and unexplained infertility.

IVF with donor egg: IVF using donor egg is done when a woman is incapable of producing fertile and healthy eggs for a successful fertilization to take place. In IVF with donor egg, the infertile woman takes the help of a female egg donor to receive fertile eggs for the process of IVF treatment.

IVF using donor egg is performed in the same way as the conventional IVF treatment procedure, the only difference being the egg retrieval process is done using the eggs of a female egg donor. The female egg donor has to undergo the fertility medication so that her ovaries can produce more eggs than usual, and then the egg retrieval surgery is done. The egg donor services are no longer needed after the eggs are retrieved. Once the healthy fertilization takes place and the embryos are formed, they are placed into the uterus of the woman and pregnancy occurs naturally.

Our fertility doctors at Dynamic Fertility & IVF Centre are adept at effectively performing various fertility treatments and have given positive outcomes to patients who chose us for their fertility treatment. We have high success rates of different fertility treatments and we provide the fertility treatments at a low price when compared to other fertility clinics.

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