Case Management COVID-19 – An Overview Of Coronavirus

Case Management for COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic keeps on spreading, with the quantities of individuals tainted rising step by step. Medical care experts, including specialists and attendants, are working relentlessly to offer the best clinical consideration to patients, particularly the individuals who are basic. As no vaccine has been found to date, we have to rely on prevention and successful case management of COVID 19 patients in order to reduce the number of fatalities. In light of that, how about we investigate the current measures being followed for case the board of COVID-19.

Management of COVID-19 mild cases

Gentle instances of disease are not conceded to the medical clinics. All things considered, they are told to hole up at home and notice their side effects. They might be prescribed certain medicines to manage their symptoms. Mild cases are considered to be those that exhibit the general COVID 19 symptoms of fever, cough, sore throat and loss of taste or smell without any onset of pneumonia. However, if a patient with mild symptoms falls under a high-risk bracket for COVID-19 complications, they may be advised to get themselves hospitalized.

Management of COVID-19 critical cases

Patients who develop complications resulting from a COVID-19 infection are admitted to the hospital immediately. These complications may include pneumonia, septic shock, respiratory failure, and cardiomyopathy. The treatment and medical support measures will vary on a case to case basis. Generally, these patients receive oxygen therapy and are subject to tests that evaluate their kidney, liver, and heart health in order to determine the further course of action.

Management of COVID-19 paediatric cases

Most paediatric cases exhibit extremely mild symptoms. Therefore, unless the child has difficulty in breathing, they usually have to rest at home. The doctor may prescribe certain medicines to help with the symptoms. Apart from taking the medicines, the patient needs to drink plenty of fluids and get rest. They also need to stay away from any elderly people who share their home and who may be more vulnerable to complications from a COVID-19 infection.

Management of expectant mothers

To date, there is no proof that pregnancy makes a woman more vulnerable to COVID-19 complications. That being said, there have been reports of women in their third trimester facing additional health issues due to infection from the novel coronavirus. Therefore, expectant mothers must immediately report any symptoms to their doctor. This will enable successful case management of COVID-19 through timely treatment that will benefit the mother and baby. If the mother tests COVID-19 positive, the method of childbirth will be determined based on her current condition. She may be kept separated from the newborn until she tests negative for the novel coronavirus.

Do note that the techniques for case management of COVID-19 mentioned in this article are only an overview of current practices. They are not meant to act as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you experience any symptoms, call up your doctor immediately for a personalized consultation.

Furthermore, do keep yourself updated with the latest research regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. In this regard, Medical Learning Hub is a reliable resource with online courses and expert-led webinars on SARS-CoV-2 and its impact on healthcare. MLH facilitates online studying so that you can have access to trustworthy sources of information from the safety of your home. Many of the courses and webinars are free of cost too! For more information do log on to the MLH website. Stay indoors and stay safe.

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